Waitopedia is a comprehensive resource of information about SQL Server waits.

The description shown below is the top answer as voted by the Spotlight community.

The charts are based on 2.1 TB of data collected from 4207 instances uploaded by 323 Spotlight users over an 8 week period.


Category: Other
SQL Server versions: 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017


2 Answers


Occurs when waiting for access to receive a message on a connection endpoint. Receive access to the endpoint is serialized. Information from Microsoft®


Each Service Broker (and Database Mirroring) connection endpoint has a list of buffers posted to receive data from the network. There are two threads working on this list, one that posts buffers for receive and one that processes them after receiving the data.

This wait type is charged whenever these threads attempt to access this list to add or remove buffers.

Waiting_tasks_count and wait_time_ms for this wait type should both be proportional to the amount of network data received by all Service Broker (and Database Mirroring) connection endpoints and avg_wait_time_ms should be a really small value. Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sql_service_broker/archive/2008/12/01/service-broker-wait-types.aspx


This wait has never occurred recently

BROKER_CONNECTION_RECEIVE_TASK has not occurred recently on 4207 instances checked.

Prevalence of BROKER_CONNECTION_RECEIVE_TASK across the Spotlight Population