Occurs with parallel query plans when a consumer thread waits for a producer thread to send rows. This is a normal part of parallel query execution and can be safely ignored. This wait type was added in 2016 SP2 and 2017 RTM CU3 to distinguish between actionable CXPACKET waits, that should be investigated, and benign parallel waits that can be ignored. For query plan operators that have producer and consumer threads, all threads traditionally could show CXPACKET waits. The potential performance issue is with the producer threads that suppose to produce the data and not with the consumer threads that are just waiting for that data. As such, any performance improvement should aim to make the produces provide the data faster and hence will also reduce the consumers wait time. By making the consumer threads register benign CXCONSUMER waits, the remaining CXPACKET waits from the producer threads are what indicate a performance problem.