Waitopedia is a comprehensive resource of information about SQL Server waits.

The description shown below is the top answer as voted by the Spotlight community.

The charts are based on 2.1 TB of data collected from 4207 instances uploaded by 323 Spotlight users over an 8 week period.


Category: Lock
SQL Server versions: 2014, 2016, 2017


1 Answer


Occurs when a task is waiting to acquire a NULL lock with Low Priority on the current key value, and an Insert Range lock with Low Priority between the current and previous key. A NULL lock on the key is an instant release lock. (Related to the low priority wait option of ALTER TABLE and ALTER INDEX.) Information from Microsoft®


This wait has never occurred recently

LCK_M_RIn_NL_LOW_PRIORITY has not occurred recently on 4207 instances checked.

Prevalence of LCK_M_RIn_NL_LOW_PRIORITY across the Spotlight Population